inshi (official of the in no cho ) were responsible for practical work at in no cho . 院庁の実務は院司が担当した。
he married the daughter of chikanaga kanroji , who was also a governmental official responsible for practical work . やはり実務派官僚である甘露寺親長の娘を娶った。
kamiko (hereditary artisans for paper making under government management ) of shinabe (technicians in offices ) did the practical work . 品部の紙戸が実務にあたった。
instead , the keishi serving for generations took charge of practical work of management of shoen as mandokoro personnel . 替わって代々仕える家司が政所職員として荘園経営の実務にあたるようになる。
the personnel of the domestic governing institutions were in charge of operation of household management as personnel of the institutions for practical work . 家政機関の職員が実務機関の職員として家政の運営にあたっていた。